
EEPW首页 > 嵌入式系统 > 专题 > 残疾人助理


—— ——2008年英特尔杯大学生电子设计竞赛嵌入式系统专题邀请赛作品简介
作者:曾凯文,梁虎,尹海帆,尹仕 华中科技大学时间:2008-11-10来源:电子产品世界收藏

        本作品设计了一种基于技术的智能型残疾人轮椅,此系统以Intel core duo 2微处理器为核心,以Window XP为开发平台,运用语音识别与合成、图像处理与特征提取、基于代数算法神经网络的模式识别等技术,实现了智能轮椅的语音控制与交互、障碍物检测、任意物体识别等功能。该智能轮椅使得残疾人可以通过语音来控制轮椅的运动状态;使用激光测距,使得智能轮椅在规定距离内有效避开障碍物;通过基于纹理的图像分割算法对图像进行区域分割,实现对分割区域颜色特征和形状特征的提取。再将提取的颜色特征和形状特征作为神经网络输入,完成对物体的识别。给严重视力障碍的人“看见”物体带来一线希望。 




An idea of intelligent wheelchair based on embedded technology is proposed. Based on the microprocessor of Intel core duo 2 and the development platform of Window XP, and using the technology of speech recognition and synthesis, image processing and characteristics extraction, and pattern recognition based on algebraic algorithm for neural network, the intelligent wheelchair completes the functions of speech control and interaction, obstacle detection, object recognition and so on. This intelligent wheelchair makes the disabled people control the move statement through the speech control technology, and completes the object recognition function to ‘see’ the objects for the disabled.

The image partition algorithm used in this system is based on the grain characteristics and edge characteristics, and is designed by ourselves. It can divide up the object and distill the color and figure characteristics of every part.

This system uses artificial neural network which is a kind of foreland numeration to realize pattern recognition. It viewed the color and shape characters of the sampled image area as input signal of artificial neural network to recognize objects. Although the BP neural network algorithm dominates the applications, we choose the recently proposed neural network based on algebraic algorithm, realized it in our program and verified the feasibility and advantage of this algorithm. It is a brave and successful experiment. 

This brings great convenience for the disabled and has promising future in applications as well as high practical value.


关键词: 英特尔 嵌入式 竞赛



